COVID-19 and Marching Band

COVID-19 has turned the world upside down and the marching world is no different. The 2020 DCI tour being cancelled is just one example. For high schools, we know that many if not all schools will be affected this fall. Our goal is to be as accommodating as possible for all of our clients in these uncertain times. While we certainly do not want anyone to be taking unnecessary risks and are hoping that school districts and marching circuits are making wise decisions, we know that in some capacity, many schools will still be able to perform. For some, this means choosing an easier show for this season. The good news is that we have almost 50 shows in the easy, easy-medium, and medium categories! There’s no need to sacrifice show quality just because of this global pandemic. Check out our easy, easy-medium, and medium categories below. Remember that 100% of our shows are customizable to fit your exact needs!

More Individual Arrangements Added

One of the under-utilized pages on our website is the Individual Arrangements page. If you’re piecing together a show from multiple sources, check out this page! There over 100 arrangements of various pieces all for purchase. They are a mix of music taken from an individual movement of one of our shows and stand alone pieces. Don’t stress over what closer to use anymore! Check out all of our arrangements today.

Light Prevails Returns!

Light prevails has been a popular show since it was written in 2019. It was taken down while it was reworked to create Lantern in the Window. Check out both shows now!

New Show - Paparazzi

New show alert! Paparazzi is the newest show added to the family. Featuring the music of Brittany Spears and Radiohead, Paparazzi is sure to be a popular show both at state finals and halftime! Follow link below to hear a recording and see full details.