The Show Can Still Go On!

We know there has been a lot of activity over the last 24 hours with regards to state marching band associations and cancellations of upcoming competition seasons. We want you to know that we are here to help, however we can. Our hearts break for your students, especially the seniors. If you are planning on doing some version of a scaled back or non-competitive marching season or perhaps a winter indoor season, we are here to be a resource for brainstorming ideas, creating new content and getting you connected to the right materials to make something happen. Let us know how we can help! We care about you, your programs, your students and most importantly, your health and safety.

Updated Show - Go!

At the very beginning of Jeff’s compositional career, he wrote a show titled “Go!” for Kamiakin High School (where he graduated) in Kennewick, Washington. It was a crowd favorite and scored well. But here’s the good news; it just got better! Jeff and Pete spent a few weeks this winter reorchestrating, rewriting, and updating audios. Hear the new version of “Go!” below!

More Individual Arrangements Added

One of the under-utilized pages on our website is the Individual Arrangements page. If you’re piecing together a show from multiple sources, check out this page! There over 100 arrangements of various pieces all for purchase. They are a mix of music taken from an individual movement of one of our shows and stand alone pieces. Don’t stress over what closer to use anymore! Check out all of our arrangements today.

Light Prevails Returns!

Light prevails has been a popular show since it was written in 2019. It was taken down while it was reworked to create Lantern in the Window. Check out both shows now!